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Nadine Bayard announced as Outstanding UL Lafayette Master's Graduate for Fall 2015

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Nadine Bayard has received the UL Lafayette Alumni Association Outstanding Master’s Graduate Award for the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration master’s of business administration program and overall for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Graduating in December of 2015, Bayard has maintained a 4.0 through the course of her studies in the program. She has served as a graduate assistant in the Information Systems and Multimedia labs department, where she was a team leader among other graduate assistants. Currently, Bayard is a graduate assistant in the Office of International Affairs.

She has tutored students in Spanish and has served the community through her volunteer efforts with Chi Alpha and St. Joseph’s Diner. Throughout her time at St. Joseph’s Diner, where she served as the volunteer assistant to the Director for two years, Bayard helped schedule volunteers, provided information to volunteers and donors, and assisted with website management.

In addition to her service to the university and in the community, Bayard has also participated in an internship with Enersciences Holding, an energy industry company, where she conducted research in and produced a comprehensive report on energy sources, providers, and exploration and production costs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

After graduation, Bayard hopes to have a challenging job where she can put into practice what she’s learned throughout her six and a half years at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She plans on being the model UL Alumni, displaying her two degrees and recruiting fellow Panamanians to attend school in Lafayette.

Bayard is the daughter of Nadina and Gustavo Bayard of Panama City, Panama.