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Code of Ethical Behavior

Personal integrity is the cornerstone of a flourishing society, a respected institution of higher learning, and a valued graduate business degree. As such, B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration MBA students are required to uphold high ethical standards and to embrace honesty and responsibility throughout their academic careers at this university. Evidence of such behavior is demonstrated through adherence to the student Code of Conduct as well as compliance with these expectations.

The MBA student is required to represent himself or herself honestly in all oral interactions and written communications. The student will not knowingly misrepresent any material fact to other students, faculty, staff, business or community organizations, or any other stakeholder, while representing himself or herself as a member of the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration community. This includes fabrication of resumes or interview responses to employers, distortion of any fact on any university form, failing to comply with administrative directives, and spreading falsehoods to any member of the College community to gain preferential treatment.

The MBA student is required to represent his or her scholarly work honestly and fairly. The student will not knowingly use any inappropriate advantage or harm any other member of the College community. This prohibits providing or receiving any unauthorized aid on an assignment or exam, misrepresenting the originality of one’s work, and submitting substantially the same work for credit in more than one class.

The MBA student is required to respect the tangible and intangible possessions of other members of the College community, and must not misuse or misappropriate that which belongs to others. This shall include divulging or using for personal gain any proprietary, protected, or confidential information obtained for academic assignments or through employment as a graduate assistant or as an intern.

The MBA student is required to respect the individual rights and liberties of other community members. Harassment and discrimination are in all circumstances prohibited.

Anyone who willingly conceals knowledge of engagement by others in any of these activities will be considered accomplices and equally culpable to the perpetrator. Following a thorough investigation, offenders will be subject to disciplinary remediation including the potential for removal from the program.

These are the ideals to which we must hold ourselves to protect the value and the reputation of the MBA program.