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Online Courses

Online courses are offered in the Moody College of Business. Students must check the university schedule to find out which courses are available online.

How to Register

  • Check the university schedule to see if the course you wish to take is available online.
  • Find out who is teaching the online course.
  • Contact the professor in order to register. REGISTRATION FOR ONLINE COURSES VARIES BY PROFESSOR.
  • If enrollment is by the professor's permission only, complete an override card providing all of the necessary information, obtain the professor’s signature, and then submit the override card to the Dean’s office.

Computer Requirements

You must have the minimum equipment and software necessary in order to qualify for an online course.

  • Computer: You must own a desktop or laptop computer.
  • Connectivity: Internet connection at your residence.
  • Browser: Either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape.
  • Software: Microsoft Office at a minimum. Check requirements for the class.